The role of anti-lock brakes in a car is to stop the vehicle from skidding should you need to brake sharply. When at speed, the wheels can lock and result in a loss of steering and traction on the road if braking quickly. The goal of the ABS (anti-lock braking system) is to reduce the risk of the wheels locking. 

Our guide at Car Parts 4 Less will take you through the finer details of ABS, what are anti-lock brakes and how to use anti-lock brakes in an emergency. 

How Anti-Lock Brakes Work 

Within each wheel hub of a car is a sensor that tracks how fast the wheel is rotating. If it determines the wheel is about to lock, the brake pressure is quickly reduced and increased to keep the wheel moving. 

With ABS, the driver can maintain more control

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Understanding the health of your car is essential for not just your vehicle, but the long-term safety of the user. If you look after the car, it will look after you. There is no internal component more important to car safety than the braking system, so it is crucial to know the fundamentals: how long do brake pads and discs last, what affects the condition of brakes and how to change them when the time comes. Our guide at Car Parts 4 Less will take you through each part of a car brake with our expert knowledge. Check out our range of car brake pads should you need to replace your old ones.

Brake Pads & Discs Lifespans

The average life of a brake pad can be between 25000 to 65000 miles, dependant on the car, driving conditions and driving style. Taking into account the average mileage of a driver

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As winter gives way to the vibrant season of spring, it’s essential to transition your car care routine to adapt to the changing weather conditions. The winter months can take a toll on your vehicle, from the freezing temperatures to road salt and snow accumulation. To ensure your car stays in prime condition and ready for the warmer months ahead, follow these spring car care tips.

spring car care tips

1. Wash and Wax Your Car

After months of braving the winter elements, your car’s exterior likely needs a thorough cleaning. Salt and road grime can cause corrosion and damage to your vehicle’s paint and undercarriage. Start the spring season by giving your car a complete wash and wax. Use a high-quality car wash soap, and pay special attention to the undercarriage, wheel wells, and door jambs.

2. Inspect and Clean Your Car’s Undercarriage

Salt and snow-melting chemicals used on winter roads can build …

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Electric cars, once considered a niche market, have rapidly gained traction and are now a global phenomenon. With increasing environmental concerns, technological advancements, and a growing emphasis on sustainability, electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming the preferred choice for consumers around the world. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the surging popularity of electric cars and the factors driving their widespread adoption.

1. Environmental Benefits

One of the most compelling reasons for the popularity of electric cars is their positive impact on the environment. Conventional gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles emit greenhouse gases and pollutants that contribute to air pollution and climate change. In contrast, electric cars produce zero tailpipe emissions. They are powered by electricity, which can be generated from cleaner and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. By driving an electric car, consumers can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and help combat climate …

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The Evolution of Hybrid SUVs

As the automotive industry charts its course towards sustainability, the spotlight is increasingly turning to hybrid SUVs. These vehicles represent a harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology, eco-friendly initiatives, and the enduring allure of SUV aesthetics. In a groundbreaking move, Korean automakers are set to play a pivotal role in this evolution, promising a new era of eco-conscious driving.

Subheading 1: Engineering Marvels in Motion

Behind the wheel of these hybrid SUVs lies a symphony of engineering marvels in motion. Korean automakers are leveraging state-of-the-art technologies, including advanced battery systems, regenerative braking, and seamless integration of electric and traditional combustion engines. This synergy creates a driving experience that not only reduces environmental impact but also delivers unparalleled performance on the road.

Subheading 2: Sustainable Driving Redefined

The term “hybrid” extends beyond the powertrain; it defines a commitment to sustainability. These SUVs are designed with eco-friendly materials, …

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